Monday, January 26, 2009

Aussie Green Inventions

Australia has a rich history of being at the for-front of all things green (that is if you ignore the Howard years!). Here is a selection of historical Aussie green stuff and groovy green inventions:

- The first Green Political party. Out of the Franklin Dam protest Australia registered the world first green political party. In 1972 Bob Brown and Milo Dunphy set up the United Tasmania Group.

- The Hills Hoist – drying clothes the environmental way!!

- Hush Wind turbine

- Solar technology that all went overseas because our government wouldn’t support it

- Cane-It Golf Trees. This company creates sun-dried biodegradable golf tees made from plantation grown bamboo cane that shred when mowed, releasing nutrients into the ground – rather than becoming a projectile hazard when struck and contributing to broken tee litter on the course.

-The Aerochamber: a unit to compost organic matter using greater air flow to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced in the usual process. The Aerochamber promises not to create bad odours or flies and make it easier to compost at home

- SmartBurn is a scientifically proven Pollution Reduction Device that reduces smoke haze and particulate emissions by up to 50% from domestic wood combustion heaters. It is also a Chimney Flue Cleaner that removes black soot and flammable sap deposits from the fire box, around the window, and up the chimney, therefore enabling the fire to burn up to 17% hotter and reducing chimney fire risk.

- The Aquanator: provides sustainable and environmentally safe energy - basically, the Aquanator operates like sails under the water to generate electricity. It converts the immense and largely untapped power of ocean and river currents into power — without causing pollution or harm to the environment — two outcomes that are too often linked to the creation of electricity and other power sources. On the back of significant validation from the Australian Technology Showcase, Perry and his team at Atlantis Energy Limited have now successfully trialled the Aquanator prototype - on the Clarence River in Northern NSW - in a simulated 1.5 to 2.7 knot current. They are now seeking further funding for the commercialisation of the Aquanator.

-The Engineair: a pollution free engine that runs on compressed air. It is successfully being used to power smaller vehicles such as utility buggies, boats and burden carriers. It is not the first engine to operate on compressed air, but the Engineair has significant characteristics in its favour when compared to other air motors on the market. It is more efficient, consuming 70 percent less compressed air, and is relatively lightweight, being 1/7th of the weight of the piston air motor. An Engineair maintenance vehicle was recently purchased for use in Melbourne's Fitzroy Gardens.

- Biolytix is a chemical free Wastewater Treatment System. Winner of many international and Australian Awards this Sewage and grey water recycling system was invented by Dean Cameron who wanted to reduce waste. This system uses 90% less electricity than conventional systems. The Biolytix® System uses a diverse ecosystem living in an organic matrix to treat the wastewater

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