Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ali and Gary have made some new years "envirolutions".

We've decided to challenge ourselves with some new years envirolutions... a term invented by the ever-creative gary. These will be measurable and the outcomes will be closely followed and reported on - right here on our trusty blog! Check in to see how we're doing.

Gary's New Years Envirolutions:

1. Buy a water bucket for discarded cold shower water
2. Reduce my consumption of red meat
3. Investigate the expense of purchasing a higher percentage of GreenPower, and ways to minimise the cost increase by using less power
4. Discover some sustainably-produced alcoholic beverages
5. Start using the compost bin in my apartment block

Ali's New Years Envirolutions:

1. Keep my tomatoes alive until they bear fruit
2. Move my money to a more ethical bank, and roll over all of my superannuation into an ethical/sustainable super account
3. Discover who my state government representative is, then write them lots of love notes.
4. Build a guerrilla garden
5. Ethically shop and eat for 1 week

Do you have any envirolutions for 2009? It's more fun than joining a gym or drinking less!

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